Faculty Expectations

Please be sure you understand the differences between the roles of a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) and a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) found here.

Below are the expectations for supervising a Graduate Assistant

  • The Graduate College considers mentoring and instruction an indispensable element of the assistantship experience. Consequently, for faculty to qualify to hire and supervise a GA they must hold full (for GRA or GTA) or associate (for GTA) graduate faculty status. To apply for or renew graduate faculty, please see: https://www.kennesaw.edu/graduate/faculty-resources/index.php

  • The person requesting to hire and supervise a GA must agree to submit an evaluation at the end of each semester.

  • To ensure clear communication and to protect all parties involved, the GA supervisor must provide his/her GA with pertinent objective and subjective work standards prior to signing the contract with the student.  

  • Supervisors should be mindful of the expectation that GA duties should average the number of hours listed on the contract per week. It is expected that some weeks may entail additional time, but if this is the case other weeks should entail lighter workloads. If a GA’s duties significantly exceed (or fall short of) the expected time commitment, then assignments should be adjusted by mutual agreement between the GA and the supervisor. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to adjust the various demands on GA time to keep total effort within expectations.
    • to communicate the specific job description to the graduate assistant by reviewing the contract with the student before each party signs
    • to make expectations clear to the student, including how frequently they should meet and how best to set up meetings
    • to make him/herself available to provide advice and guidance to the student
    • to endeavor to make the work of the graduate assistant a worthwhile learning experience that is connected
    • to the student’s discipline
    • to monitor the effectiveness of the assistantship
    • to keep in regular contact and communication with the graduate assistant as the semester moves forward
    • to complete the required end of semester evaluation
  • When there is research collaboration between student and advisor, frank and open discussion of the division of credit and criteria for authorship should occur as early as possible.