Selecting Your Student

Once you have been awarded a graduate assistantship, as the supervisor, you are responsible for selecting your graduate student.  There are several ways you can do this.

  • The main route to finding an appropriate student for your research project should be by networking with graduate students and faculty within the graduate program for which you are affiliated. If the needed skill set for your research project crosses disciplines you should reach out to the Graduate Program Director for the graduate program that "fits" with the skill set you are seeking. Graduate Program Directors should have a sense of their student's abilities and can assist in matching student's with faculty. 

  • The Graduate College maintains a file of Graduate Assistantship Applications received from students. You may contact The Graduate College to request access (opt-in) to the secure file to browse through the submitted applications. Email James Kohlmiller at to request access.

  • The Graduate College also maintains the Graduate Research Assistant Job Board. The Graduate Research Assistant Job Board allows a faculty member to post their position.  Students can then show interest by sending required documents (resume, CV, transcripts, statement, etc) to the faculty member. Faculty that desire to post to the Graduate Research Assistant Job Board can download and submit the Graduate Assistant Job Posting form. 

Supervisors should identify and interview 2-3 students, talking with them about the specific duties and expectations, discussing availability and schedules, and looking for commitment, skill sets, and work ethic traits.

Please note, students must meet eligibility criteria to serve as a GA.  Student eligibility can be found here.

