In order to be eligible to apply for a Graduate Assistantship (GA):
- The student must have a baccalaureate degree.
- The student must have been fully admitted as a degree-seeking student into a master’s or doctoral degree program. Conditional, probationary, or pending acceptance statuses are not eligible. Students admitted to a certificate program are not eligible.
- New students may not begin their GA before their first semester of matriculation.
- The student must have a minimum KSU institutional graduate GPA of 3.00. If the student has not yet established a KSU graduate GPA, the student’s GPA from their most recently earned degree will be used and must meet the minimum 3.00.
- The student must be lawfully present (see https://enrollmentservices.kennesaw.edu/lawful-presence.php) and eligible to work in the United States.
- The student cannot exceed 24 waived course credits in an academic year.
- Returning GAs must have received a satisfactory faculty evaluation in previous assignments and must have completed the student evaluation of all of their previous assignments.
- The student must be enrolled in the semester in which they are serving as a Graduate Assistant.
If the GA will be a Graduate Teaching Assistant - Teacher of Record (GTA-TOR), the following additional requirements must be met:
- Have a Master’s in the teaching discipline or 18 graduate semesters hours in their graduate program
- Submit both a CV and transcript to the Graduate College along with the hiring paperwork
- Completed GRAD 9001 (dates/times to be determined - see schedule of credit courses) or approved alternative
- Complete the Buckley Form and submit it to the Registrar separately